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Dating Fashion This Spring

IJL Team Member

Looking your best is feeling your best. Here are some fun trends for spring to add to your Date Wardrobe:

Shoes: The Block Heel

Not only are these adorable, but they’re practical. The block heel makes it feel as though you’re wearing flats, yet your legs still look amazing. These also make it possible for you to wear shorter heels while still looking classy, which is beneficial if you are taller or have naturally long legs.

The Mid-length skirt

This is another practical trend that will make you looking classy, yet sexy. This is the perfect look if

you’re meeting a date for drinks after work. You can wear this dress or skirt to work, and all you’ll

have to do is freshen up your hair and makeup before heading out. This is the ultimate office-to evening chic look, and will have your date swooning.

Color: Neutrals

This is the perfect way to add a touch of color to your look while still remaining subtle and classy.

The slight color adds a nice playful and youthful touch, which can be found in forms of olive green,

navy, light blues and nude pinks. This is a great way to spice up your look without being too loud.

The Turtle neck

This is a great transitional piece. Depending on the fabric of your turtle neck you can wear these in

transition from winter to spring, or on those occasional cold days as the weather slowly gets warmer

without resurfacing those huge chunky sweaters. Tank top turtle necks can also be great for warm

days, or cold days with an added cardigan. These are perfect staple pieces and will make the move

from winter to spring much easier.

The Small Things

This includes hair, makeup and nails; those little details you may forget about. Of course your hair

doesn’t have to look perfect all the time, we're human after all! However, for a date you should take extra care when styling your hair and applying makeup; your date will notice and you’ll look and feel so much better.

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