Through the years we've talked with thousands of men about what they look for in a first date. A 38-year old CEO gave us this checklist, which pretty much sums it up.
Does she complain about men?
Is she open to trying new things?
Do I like her clothes and sense of style?
Can she speak intelligently about more than one thing (such as her job)?
Is she emotionally available or is she still talking to her ex a lot? (This is very important)
Can she maintain eye contact? Is she nervous? Is there some energy between us or is it flat? (Nervous is better than flat)
Is she generous or is she confrontational? Can she hold her own opinion without making me wrong?
Does she have a good sense of humor and a "fun" attitude? Does she get my sense of humor? Is she happy?
Does she have interesting "interests"?
Do we have chemistry? How does she respond when I put my hand on the side of her arm or in the small of her back? Is she open and not afraid to show that she likes me?
Is she high maintenance? Does she talk about nicer places than the one I am taking her to in a way that makes me think she would have rather gone there? Does she pick the most expensive thing on the menu on a first date?