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  • IJL Team Member Shawna

6 Things to Keep an Open Mind About When Dating

Dating can be fun and exciting. Who doesn’t love getting dressed up for the possibility of meeting someone amazing who puts your stomach in summersaults?! The chance any first date could potentially be the person you share your life with is exhilarating. It is that hope that builds you up and gives you the courage to walk through the door to say “hello.”

However, let’s look at the other side of the coin; dating is also one of the most unsettling experiences you will encounter in life. Opening up to a stranger can be scary and there is always that chance the person sitting on the opposite side of the table will be less than perfect. What if they have 3 eyes? Or what if they have the personality of a rag doll? Or even worse, what if they don’t like the same music I do? A lot of times we build up the perfect person in our heads, and if this new individual (who you just met) does not fit into that mold and “wow” you in the first hour, you write them off and move on.

I’m sure every person agrees there has to be some sort of physical attraction in every budding relationship; I will give you that. But let’s say you find the person sitting across from you relatively attractive? Now what? Ah yes, there’s the checklist. You know, that list of things your “perfect” partner must have. Some lists contain a few key things, while other lists go on for pages. It is this idea of perfection that gets some of us in trouble. It even keeps some of us from even giving someone a shot.

Remember a first date, or even the second or third, is not a permanent commitment. Try to be open-minded. You may be surprised; you could find exactly what you are looking for when you least expect it. The following topics shouldn’t necessarily be deal breakers on your path to finding love.

Distance. With 7.5 billion people in the world, why limit yourself to the few thousand people who live within a 15 minute radius of your home? Some great relationships have grown from people who live an hour or two from each other.

Age. As the saying goes, “age is but a number.” Some women have the mindset that they don’t want to date a man younger than her, or some older gentlemen insist on dating women 10, 20, 30 years their junior. Why get so locked into a number? If that person is wonderful and you have a lot of commonalities, age is not what you should be focusing on.

Every Single Interest. Sure, you want to be with someone who shares your favorite interests. Whether you’re a marathon runner or a movie buff, it’s great if your partner has the same passions. However, meeting someone new allows you to try new things and expand your horizons. As long as you have some common ground, you do not need to share every single interest with your mate.

Baggage. Some people box themselves in and refuse to date someone who is divorced or someone who has children. Don’t let your past experiences, or preconceived notions, keep you from meeting someone with whom you may have a lot in common with. Every situation is different, and maybe what you think is a negative about someone, may turn out to be one of the greatest things about them.

Politics. This topic can be a heated one; however, if you were to talk to any couple, even if they do fall on the same side of the political line, they would tell you they do not agree on every topic out there. And you know what? That is ok. You can be your own person with your own beliefs and still be in a relationship. A lot of times it is the differences which help each person in a relationship grow.

Religion. A person’s faith is a personal thing. It is truly understandable wanting your partner to have the same beliefs as you. Along the lines of being open minded about politics, a relationship can grow and flourish between two people who have somewhat different views on faith. It just is important to be respectful of the other person’s point-of-view and consider all the ways that your faiths are similar.

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