IJL Select represents the largest and most successful franchise within the international It’s Just Lunch, dating for busy professionals, matchmaking system. We take great pride in arranging quality first dates for our clients, while providing superior customer service in Chicago, Cleveland, Denver, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, San Francisco and Washington DC.
We value connection.
We believe that real chemistry is rooted in both like mindedness and attraction.
We value understanding.
We believe that servicing starts with knowing.
We value the human factor.
We believe the nuances of chemistry are explored face-to-face.
We value exploration.
We believe the discovery of something valuable requires stepping out and taking a chance.
As a Client in one of the IJL Select locations, you will experience a more personalized and efficient approach to dating. We take care of everything, from hand selecting your matches to making all of the arrangements for low-pressure first dates. We work with great local restaurant partners where we arrange your dates for either lunch or a drink after work. We meet each Client in person, and really get to know you and what you’re looking for in a match. From there we communicate with you after each date and incorporate your feedback into the matching process.
"No one seems ready for commitment; how can I tell early on without sounding desperate?"
Most people that I work with feel like they have put a lot of effort into closure on past relationships, improving social connections, and ultimately being “ready” to be in a committed relationship. Sometimes it can feel harder at this point because you are so clear on what you are looking for it’s almost as though the universe is serving you up everything but.
Patience is key at this point in the dating world. Trust that you are “ready” to pick a good partner for life long commitment now focus on enjoying the process of how this special person comes into your life. Envision how your love story will start.
Am I too old to be dating?
No! Quite the opposite, people assume that dating is a young persons game. What we find at IJL is that with age comes experience and wisdom that translates perfectly into dating. People are attracted others that carry a strong sense of self and do not take themselves too seriously. You have earned badges that in a way entitle you too the great love story that awaits. So why not you? Why not now.
"I feel so ready to find someone, why is it not happening?"
One way to discover someone’s relationship readiness is to share your thoughts, feelings and desires around dating, love and marriage. So instead of posing the question to your date. Simply share first or snag an opportunity from one of their questions to shift the conversation in that direction. For example, When someone asks why you are single or about the dating service you met though respond with what you are looking for. “I’m at a stage in my life where A committed relationship is a priority and I’m Ready to invest in dating one person at a time and let it unfold naturally.
"When is the time to suggest a weekend getaway?
Weekend getaways are a great idea to build intimacy, create a romantic experience and take your relationship to the next level. Most feel Comfortable going away for a weekend if the relationship is committed and exclusive. Keep in mind you may want to discuss the details “are we getting one room or two?” Simply in conversation on your next date, gauge their comfort level. “I would really like us to get out of our regular routines when do you think you may be interested in a weekend away?”